Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… We hope this post stirs your thinking about corporate communication, employee engagement and leadership focused on purpose and values.
We know… It’s a challenge to get our messages received, understood and acted upon. Generally speaking, statistics show readership levels for employee communication are low; 72% of emails are opened and only 42% are read. Some studies show that more frequent, shorter messages can improve readership levels, as does targeting messages to different segments of the employee population. This webinar from PoliteMail software has more tips.
Solution Provider Webinar: How to Write Emails Your Employees Will Actually Read via IABC.com
Being effective at interpersonal communication has always been an important skill. Nowadays, our conversations are happening while many of us are working remotely, physically distancing and using new tools for collaboration. Here’s a great TED Talk on how to have better conversations.
10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation by Celeste Headlee via TED.com
You’re familiar with the terms misinformation and disinformation. You’ve certainly heard the term “fake news.” Here’s a great article that talks about how citizens today lack critical thinking and information literacy skills. The author’s belief is that the solutions rest with people, not technology. It’s a quick read.
A Reminder that “Fake News” is an Information Literacy Problem, Not a Technology Problem via Forbes.com
I bet they’re in almost everything your organization publishes. Acronyms. While we think they may help us be more efficient, they are counter-productive to effectively communicating with your audience. Here’s a great article on why we should not use acronyms. As the author put it, “… when you use acronyms you are putting all the onus and hard work on the reader to interpret what you are communicating.”
Our Addiction to Acronyms and What We Can Do About It via IABC.com
Thank you to our fellow communication professionals for sharing some of these articles. What do you think of Celeste Headlee’s tips for having better conversations? This female cheetah in the photo has obviously mastered that art as she calls out to her young, who arrived at her side a short time after. The picture was taken in the Masai Mara, Kenya and is from our personal archive.