Posted June 22, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | At one time, it was difficult to target why some content went viral while other content did not. Recent research shows that viral content is popular because of the emotions it evokes. And, as this article talks about: “… it is not a matter of luck, as was previously thought, but rather is a matter of creating a powerful emotional experience.”
Posted June 11, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Have you been following the news about the changes Facebook is making to its Trending Topics news feed? Trending Topics will now be based on what Facebook’s 1.6 billion users are talking about and sharing and not what traditional news outlets are publishing as news. Should we be paying more attention to brand ambassadors who can promote our cause and purpose? What do these changes mean for your organization?
Posted June 3, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… | SEO can be confusing and often hard to keep track of because the rules for search are always changing. This article does a good job of describing some of the mystery surrounding SEO in layman’s terms. It also covers one principle we strongly believe in… don’t get hung up on the numbers.